Posts tagged ‘Mother Nature’

Hurry Spring

I writing to you from snowy New Jersey, where we are still digging out from seventeen inches of snow. There is another round due to hit us this weekend; just two inches, they tell us, but it is snow jut the same. And yes, another major storm is coming on Wednesday. All I can say is Punxsutawney Phil better not see his shadow next week because I am definitely ready for spring.

Ah, spring! When the snow melts … if it ever melts … it will allow us to witness the soft greens of new grass, the hints of color as the first flowers come to life. I cannot wait for the cherry blossoms. Delicate pink, they are the lacy dressing to trees that have been barren for so many months. Carried on a breeze, they fill the sky with confetti that celebrates the end of winter and wakes the other plants from hibernation.

The forsythia quickly follow, bright yellow for a few weeks before turning green for the summer. Daffodils and tulips are joined by the azalea.  This glorious riot of color lasts for too short a time, teasing us, whetting our appetites for the colors of summer.

As an avid gardener, I look forward to spring. In past years, I have had too few hours to devote to my garden, but this year I will have more time to plant my little treasures. Nothing spectacular like my neighbor who has a Better Homes and Gardens yard that is the envy of the street, but enough for me to enjoy while sipping iced tea on warm summer afternoons.

Mother Nature, whatever temper tantrum you are having right now, please get over it so that spring can come on time and in all its glory. I, for one, have had enough of the cold!